Independent Living Learning
In our everyday work we work with people with mental and / or difficulties and in our many years of experience we have developed many methods and ways to teach people how to live independently, but they formal education comes from school. In Latvia there are “special schools” with adopted curriculum, however there’s a one-has-to-fit-all model in place, and that just doesn’t work with our target group. When we were approached by out Italian partners to create a youth exchange that focuses on teaching and learning academic knowledge via daily activities, we were very curious and hopeful.
This youth exchange was a refreshing breath of air because we saw that it is possible! It is possible to learn basic mathematical equations, language (and communication) skills and even science while shopping, cooking, cleaning and gardening. Being sustainable and autonomous at the same time! We hope that one day this project will evolve into a meaningful KA2 and maybe even will be implemented in schools!
Let the pictures now do all the talking!